Industries Served


Food Service & Restaurants

Fast Food
We understand the need for timely solutions in what can be a fast-paced environment. When it comes to waste solutions, managers have bigger things to worry about, the customers. One call to our team of experienced service reps, who pride themselves in understanding the demands associated with the food industry, will find a resolution with no demand of your time. Our years of experience allows us to get in contact with the right people and ask the right questions.

Food waste is at the top of the list when it comes to removal cost due to weight and volume. Our program has had great success in diverting food waste, which keeps your cost down and improves your bottom line. Our client base consists of franchise markets, multi-location chains and one-of-a-kind restaurants.



In an industry where appearance is everything, we provide unsurpassed service to exceed the expectations of a customer centered industry. Layout design is key for container placement and we help find the perfect match to make your waste invisible to your customers. From a single location to a nationwide portfolio, we have managed to reduce costs, alleviate human capital demands, and provide reliable customer care and relief from the frustration associated with waste issues.


Manufacturing & Warehouse

With a fully trained response team, we are capable and prepared to provide solutions on demand when timely service is needed. We understand the accommodations needed based on the specific manufacturing processes and ensure the best possible outcome for services provided.


Property Management

With the diverse needs of multi-unit and commercial properties, we offer customized solutions to provide for the unique demands on a per property basis. From 96 gallon toters to 40 yd compactors, we make sure that each location is right sized based on each individual service level need. We even work direct with operations for customized site layouts on new construction so you can be assured you have the right service and tenants can easily access a trash disposal site.


Golf & Country Clubs

Golf and Country Clubs schedules contain a variety of activities that change season to season. With the sensitivity to optimizing cost, we provide our clients with optional seasonal adjustments to help manage expenses during slower seasons. With our “turn on” “turn off” approach, you can be assured that you’re paying the lowest amount possible during the off season and receiving the highest quality of service in season. You need someone that understands this and can portray the message to your waste haulers effectively. Waterstone managing both the club house and course maintenance waste leaves you with only one call to make.


Grocery Stores & Supermarkets

Cost control measures are important in an industry with diminishing margins. Our team members are committed to evaluating every available solution and ensuring the best possible outcome. Whether its front load containers or compactors, we find the best fit for your location’s needs which, in turn, brings the greatest value to you.


Convenience Stores

In a fast-paced, high activity market, Waterstone understands that there are always people coming and going and that timing is everything. We schedule custom programs that fit into your location needs, as well as constantly monitoring each site for improvements. Waterstone adds convenience in your waste solutions.



Waterstone understands the high standards of the healthcare industry. We focus on the high-sensitivity situations and never take you out of compliance. Thus taking your attention off finding a waste solution, and allowing you to concentrate on your patients.


Retail Chains & Shopping Centers

With varying degrees of services offered from one center to the next, we are your one stop shop when it comes to waste solutions. Maintaining a variety of equipment and multiple haulers sabotages effective time use when juggling many tasks  With our solution driven focus, we have successfully developed service plans to meet the needs of both the landlords and tenants. By consolidating your waste and recycle services into our single source program, you will only have to deal with one contact, Waterstone.